Monday, August 2, 2010

How Much Does an Emergency Passport Cost?

An emergency passport costs more than one you get by routine processing. You probably expected that. The question is how much more? The answer is that it depends. Since you are in a hurry (You are in need of an emergency passport, aren't you?), I will try to be brief.

First there is an application fee. For a new passport or to replace a lost or stolen one, the  fee is $110 for adults and $80 for minors. Unless you only need to get a passport card. Then, the fees are $30 for an adult and $20 for minors.

The application fee for a renewal is $110. Minors cannot renew a passport so this does not apply to them. Added visa pages now costs $82. There is no fee for a name change if it is requested within the first year following its issuance. Otherwise, the applicant has to pay the renewal fee of $110.

There is an execution fee for new passports. It is $25. This is paid to the agent at the application acceptance facility. Since you are requesting an emergency passport, it is necessary to pay the expedited service fee of $60.

If you are sending your application by mail, there is the added expense of an express mail delivery method.

Now, if you need to visit a regional passport agency or use a professional expediter, there are even more expenses. Regional agencies are located in only 18 major cities and serve American citizens who must get a passport in less than two weeks. Traveling to the agency will cost both money and time. You will need to pay for transportation and probably food since it will take most of the day. If you drive, parking will be another expenses.

As you can see, going to the regional agency to get your passport expedited can cost you quite a bit. It may be less expensive to have a competent expediting service submit your application for you. Fees for this service start at $65 and go up to $299 for same day passport processing.

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